From North:
I-95 South to Lantanta and head West past Jog Rd.
Make right(North) at first traffic light after Jog Rd which is Fearnley Rd. Nursery Located 1/2 mile on the left. Parking on the right.
Turnpike south to Lake Worth. Head East to Jog Rd. Go South on Jog (right turn) to Lantana. Head West on Lantana (right turn) and then make a right (North) onto Fearnley Rd which is the first traffic light. Nursery is located 1/2 mile on the left. Parking on the right.
From South:
I-95 North to Lantana and head West past Jog Rd. Make right (North) at first traffic light after Jog Rd which is Fearnley Rd. Nursery Located 1/2 mile on the left. Parking on the right.
Turnpike North to Boynton Beach. Go East (right) on Boynton Beach until Hagen Ranch. Head North (left turn) on Hagen Ranch. Continue on Hagen Ranch 6 miles to the Nursery. Hagen Ranch becomes Fearnley Rd North of Lantana Rd. Nursery is located on the left and parking on the right.