Excalibur Fruit Trees
Ph: 561-969-6988 Fax: 561-641-3028
We are open for business Mon thru Sat
from 8 am to 4 pm.
We'll gladly take you through our 17+ acre nursery on a golf car so you can chose your own plants/trees and have them loaded into your car/truck with bags on the pots.
If you are just picking up fertilizer, please park in the driveway next to the white sales tent and someone will load your car/truck with our specially blended 50 lb. bags of 8-3-9 fertilizer that we sell for $35.
Please ask for your FREE
Christmas Palm with any purchase.
Mango Fruiting Season is normally June thru August.
Fruiting season is dependent on how much cold weather we get over the "winter" but you may call us beginning in May to ask when we'll start selling mango fruit.
We WILL be OPEN the Saturday BEFORE Christmas but CLOSED December 24th and December 25th.
We accept Cash, Checks, and all Credit/Debit Cards (with a 3% convenience fee).
We have a NO Guarantee / NO Return Policy on all plants.
LOCAL delivery and planting (Palm Beach County ONLY!) is available but NO SHIPPING!